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Theory 'P' - Managing for Productivity

NCJ Number
Police Studies Volume: 8 Issue: 2 Dated: (Summer 1985) Pages: 101-110
J H Auten
Date Published
10 pages
This article explores a new approach to managing for productivity in public service organizations and specifically law enforcement organizations.
While McGregor's Theories X and Y, and Zangwill's and Ouchi's versions of Theory Z focus attention on the management of the private sector employee neither adequately addresses the management of the public sector employee, whose numbers have grown significantly in the past three decades. Theory P is offered as an alternative which fills that void in management theory. The relationships between Theories X, Y, and Z are examined, distinctions drawn, and the special circumstances of public sector employees are detailed. Special emphasis is placed on the setting for the law enforcement manager and employee. Tenets of Theory P are examined in detail and specific applications are made to the public sector employee and particularly the law enforcement employee. In addition, stress is placed upon developing incentives to motivate public sector employees to increased productivity with increased job satisfaction as the basic premise. Finally, the approaches to management< underlying Theory P are examined in the context of the traditional organizational structure found in most law enforcement agencies. (Publisher abstract)


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