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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Preventing Sexual Violence Through Assessment,Treatment, and Safe Management

Event Dates
Royal Plaza Hotel

Marlborough, MA

Some of the professional conference tracks include:
- Workshops that focus on adolescents or children who have sexually abused.
- Workshops that focus on adults who perpetrate sexual violence.
- Workshops that focus on bringing a victim-centered approach to this work.
- ATSA's Adolescent Guidelines and Our Work
- Foundations in Adult Sex Offender-Specific Assessment & Treatment
- The Sexual Victimization of Boys/Adolescent Males/Men Over the Lifespan:

Some of the conference workshops include:
- An Introduction: Cultural Competence for Sexual Violence Sector Professionals
- The Impact of Pornography
Changing Perspectives
- Focusing on Strengths and Protective Factors
Violence Risk Scale - Sexual Offense Version (VRS-SO) Training
- digitaldeviance: Assessment, Management and Treatment of Online Sex Offenders

Visit the exhibit area for SMART resources.

Date Created: February 3, 2021