This issue features reports on various activities and resources of the U.S. Justice Department's Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), which aims to develop and make available to U.S. jurisdictions resources that can improve their Juvenile justice policies and practices, based on research.
Featured OJJDP activities include a presentation at the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges Conference regarding OJJDP research relevant to family court and juvenile justice professionals. Another featured OJJDP activity is its sponsorship of a leadership summit for Tribal youth held in Colorado. Also featured in this issue are OJJDP's convening of an AMBER Alert symposium and its promotion of a multi-system trauma-informed collaboration to improve outcomes for children exposed to violence. Other featured presentations are the work of the Institute for Police-Youth Engagement, an overview of new juvenile drug treatment court guidelines, an examination of the impact of restorative justice principles in juvenile justice, and how the healing of the Canoe Program supports Tribal youth wellness. The "News in Brief " section of this issue presents brief descriptions of seven OJJDP activities, including an account of how Operation Broken Heart has resulted in the arrest of approximately 1,000 suspected child sexual predators. A list of upcoming OJJDP events is also provided.
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