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Community-Driven Crisis Response: A Workbook for Coordinators

NCJ Number
Date Published
January 2023

This workbook was created to help planning-team coordinators with community crisis response planning and implementation process; it contains worksheets, charts, discussion questions, and relevant resources for planning-team coordinators as they prepare a community-driven crisis response system.


This workbook is aligned with Expanding First Response: A Toolkit for Community Responder Programs, and is divided into eight sections that address key issues that are crucial to the success of a community-driven crisis response system. The eight sections are: community engagement and collaboration with key stakeholders; needs assessment; conducting emergency and non-emergency call triage; community responder program (CRP) staffing; use of data to inform decision-making; safety protocols and wellness for all individuals; financial sustainability for community-driven crisis response programs and services; and legislation to support community-driven crisis response programs and services. Planning-team coordinators are encouraged to use the worksheets, charts, discussion questions, and relevant resources in this workbook to guide their team’s work and vision for launching a community-driven crisis response system.