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Development of Bail Verification and Supervision Programs in Ontario (Canada)

NCJ Number
Pretrial Services Annual Journal Volume: 3 Dated: (1980) Pages: 116-131
C Mahaffy
Date Published
16 pages
The development and rationale for a pretrial release program for Ontario, Canada is presented, and future program directions are discussed.
Extensive remanding of suspects for pretrial detention caused overcrowding in Ontario's jails. A study indicated that pretrial detentions were often brief, and about half of those remanded were acquitted, released on bail, or given noninstitutional dispositions upon conviction. The Ontario pretrial release model was based on a privatization of the process through contracts with nongovernmental agencies to administer and deliver services. Area probation and parole managers are responsible for negotiating contracts with the private agencies, but play no role in the bail verification and supervision process. Agency representatives collect history and status information from defendants; confirm the information; and report to the defense attorney, the prosecutor, and the justice of the peace of judge, who makes the release decision. The bail supervision proram emphasizes minimal intervention in defendants' lives and development of a helping relationship with the client. Future directions for pretrial release activities include diminished emphasis on financial bonds, increased community programming for pretrial defendants, development of live-in bail hostels for defendants receiving community supervision, and the development of standardized pretrial release guidelines. The delivery of effective community-based pretrial services requires a cooperative effort by private agencies, the criminal justice system, government agencies, and the community at large. Footnotes which include references are included.