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Examining the Impact of a Gender-Specific Drug Court on Recidivism

NCJ Number
Journal of Crime and Justice Volume: 41 Issue: 2 Dated: 2018 Pages: 206-21
Andrew J. Myer; Maria M. Buchholz
Date Published
16 pages

This study finds that a drug court designed for female offenders significantly lowers recidivism.


The current study finds that a drug court for female offenders significantly lowers recidivism. Female drug court participants are matched to a sample of probationers on multiple variables. Research into the effects of drug courts on recidivism has generally demonstrated positive results. These results have led to the expansion of the drug court model which focuses on causes or problems for specific populations, such as drunk drivers, mental health/dual diagnosis individuals, veterans, and others. While research has examined various adaptations to the drug court model, very few examinations have evaluated adaptations of the drug court model on female offenders. Characteristics of female offenders and their drug use have led some scholars to suggest that drug courts would be an appropriate intervention for this population. While past research has examined the role of gender in drug courts, this research occurs using samples from coed courts. Furthermore, the research examines and highlights the practical and methodological importance of measuring risk and examining treatment completion.  (Published Abstract Provided)