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Experiences and methodologies teaching hands-on cyberforensics skills online

NCJ Number
Gary C. Kessler
Date Published
14 pages

This paper describes some of the course design aspects of teaching computer forensics in an online environment.


Although the focus of the paper is online education at the undergraduate level, the basic premises are also applicable to graduate education and adult training. The paper describes the need and rationale for the delivery of education and training in an online modality. In this context, online refers to asynchronous, virtual classrooms rather than self-paced or synchronous distance education. Virtual classrooms can provide an equivalent learning experience to a traditional classroom, complete with an instructor, fellow students, a course calendar, lectures, homework assignments, examinations, discussion threads, chat facilities, etc.; online classes can also achieve the same learning outcomes as their traditional counterparts. Online courses, particularly those that target adults, need to be designed with certain pedagogic models in mind; problem-based learning, collaborative learning, and constructivism are among those teaching and learning models that are most effective for adult learners and are well-supported by online course delivery. (Published abstract provided)