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Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program Implementation Science Checklist Series

NCJ Number
Date Published
March 2021
19 pages

This report profiles the implementation science checklist series, which is a tool for professionals who direct and oversee programming in the fields of corrections, community corrections, behavioral health, and social services.


Using the eight checklists assists these professionals in assessing their agencies’ implementation of evidence-based practices (EBPs) and use of a research-based approach that will ensure investments in evidence-based practices produce desired outcomes. Although it can be beneficial for agencies to implement the checklists sequentially, an agency should start with the checklist step that reflects the agency’s current needs and progress. The checklist should be revisited every 6 -12 months to evaluate progress and identify continued areas of focus. The eight checklists in chronological order address 1) the initiation or strengthening of stakeholder collaboration, 2) identification of the problem and selection of an evidence-based practice, 3) preparing for implementation, 4) measuring implementation fidelity, 5) sustaining the evidence-based practice, 6) mastering the core competencies, 7) implementing continuous quality improvement processes, and 8) assessing organizational readiness for maintaining evidence-based practices. For each of these checklists, a brief statement of purpose is provided, along with an outline of the checklist’s components.