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Medication-Assisted Treatment: for RSAT Programs and for Clients Transitioning to and from Community-based Treatment

NCJ Number
Date Published

This manual is a cross-disciplinary training tool intended to increase the effectiveness of medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for incarcerated individuals with substance-use disorders (SUDs).


Current information is provided on how medications can be used to assist justice populations with SUDs in initiating and sustaining recovery during the transition from custody to community living. Module I addresses new developments and opportunities for treating justice-involved people with substance-use disorders (SUDs). It reports on current developments relevant to corrections programs funded under the Residential Substance Abuse Treatment for Prisoners (RSAT) program. Module I updates developments, current research, and information on best practices. It also provides examples of ways jurisdictions have successfully integrated MAT into RSAT programming and pre-release planning. Recent developments reviewed are in three areas: 1) current research on the worsening opioid epidemic and its impact on communities; 2) information on new strategies, practice guidelines, and tools developed in response to the epidemic; and 3) progress in implementing MAT in correctional settings in terms of lessons learned, promising programs, and challenges. Module II of this manual addresses the nature and features of opioids, addiction, and recovery, with attention to MAT use in the context of transitions into or out of custody, as well as overdose prevention. Module III provides information and guidance on the use of each of three medicines evaluated as effective in MAT: methadone, buprenorphine, and naltrexone. 101 references and sources
