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Pornography: Private Right or Public Menace?

NCJ Number
R M Baird, S E Rosenbaum
Date Published
248 pages
These 20 papers examine the nature of pornography, its effects on individuals and society, possible approaches to dealing with it, and views regarding appropriate responses to it.
The discussions note that national commissions that reported on 1970 and 1986 produced conflicting findings and recommendations and reflected societal ambivalence regarding individual freedom of expression and choice and the potential for some materials to harm individuals or society as a whole. Individual papers present issues related to feminist perspectives on pornography and censorship and express the concerns of those who are strongly opposed to regulating sexually explicit materials because of their commitment to freedom of speech and expression. Other papers present diverse religious perspectives on the issue and focus on empirical research regarding the relationship of pornography and sex offenses. Issues considered include the differences between pornography, erotica, and "moral realism" in artistic expression; pornography and sexism; violent pornography and women's civil rights; and the growth of the pornography industry. Chapter notes and reference lists and list of authors' current professional affiliations


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