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Statewide Criminal Justice Recidivism and Revocation Rates, 2013

NCJ Number
Michele Connolly; Jamie Gardner; Laurie Molina; John Posey; Ed Sinclair; Angela Isaack; John Newton; Kevin Niemeyer; John Wielmaker
Date Published
January 2013
118 pages
This report presents information on statewide criminal justice recidivism and revocation rates in Texas for fiscal years 2008 and 2009.
Key findings from this report on statewide criminal justice recidivism and revocations rates in Texas for fiscal years (FY) 2008 and 2009 include the following: re-arrest and re-incarceration rates were generally stable for the fiscal years analyzed; property offenses had the highest re-arrest rates for all 2008 adult population groups, while violent offenders had the lowest re-arrest rates for three of the five adult population groups; across all 2008 adult population groups, re-arrest rates decreased with age, with offenders age 45 and older consistently having the lowest re-arrest rates; for all 2008 juvenile population groups, juveniles age 17 and older tended to have the lowest re-arrest rates; the majority of adults and juveniles who were rearrested in the 3-year follow-up period were rearrested in the first year of release; and for most supervision groups, both adult and juvenile, revocation rates decreased or remained low for the years analyzed. This report was compiled by the Criminal Justice Data Analysis Team of the Texas Legislative Budget Board to calculate recidivism rates for adult and juvenile correctional populations in the State's criminal justice system. The report provides information on re-arrest and re-incarceration rates for FY 2008 and FY 2009 for the following groups: adults released from prisons, State jails, substance abuse felony punishment facilities, in-prison therapeutic community programs, and intermediate sanction facilities; and juveniles released from the Texas Juvenile Justice Department secure residential facilities, supervised by county juvenile probation departments (JPD), and released from JPD secure residential facilities. Revocation rates are also included in the report for adults under community supervision, adults and juveniles under parole, and juveniles under juvenile probation department supervision. Tables, figures, and appendix