In this issue, an overview of the 2004 National Truancy Conference, entitled Partnering to Prevent Truancy, is presented along with a listing of available truancy resources. The conference highlighted efforts to address the truancy-related issues of attendance, attachment, and achievement and focused on the significance of building of partnerships for a comprehensive response. New resources in the electronic dissemination of information are introduced and include: OJJDP electronic newsletter (OJJDP News @ a Glance); the Girls Study Group Web site for those interested in the problem of female delinquency; and the NIBRS Hate Crimes 1995-2000: Juvenile Victims and Offenders Web site documenting hate crimes involving juveniles. New publications are announced in the areas of OJJDP annual reports, portable guides to investigating child abuse, and an online publication on State Ombudsman Programs. A brief summary of OJJDP’s recent funding activities and opportunities are provided including the Formula and Block Grants Programs. Lastly, recent news and updates are presented from the Coordinating Council on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention and the Federal Advisory Committee on Juvenile Justice (formerly the Juvenile Justice Advisory Committee (JJAC)).
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