This issue of OJJDP News @ a Glance features articles on OJJDP reaffirming its commitment to youth mentoring and mentoring partners, fiscal year 2021 funding opportunities, a Staff Spotlight on Program Analyst Anita Butler, and Federal prosecutors becoming certified instructors for an anti-gang training program.
This issue’s Message from the Administrator introduces OJJDP’s new Acting Administrator, Chyrl Jones. The issue's top story chronicles the 25-year history of the development of the AMBER Alert system. Additional feature stories describe a participant in an OJJDP-sponsored youth mentoring program, the 2021 National Mentoring Summit, OJJDP’s Fiscal Year 2021 funding opportunities, the work of an OJJDP program analyst, instructor training for an anti-gang training program, and the January meeting of the Federal Advisory Committee on Juvenile Justice. The News in Brief section covers National Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month, a new fact sheet on drug courts, and the latest issue of The AMBER Advocate.
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